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หัวข้อ: รวมข้อสอบขอใบขับขี่สำหรับรัฐแคลิฟอเนียร์

  1. #1
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร

    รอบยิ้มพิมใจ รวมข้อสอบขอใบขับขี่สำหรับรัฐแคลิฟอเนียร์

    สำหรับคนที่ไม่ชอบอ่านหนังสือคู่มือตั้ง 100 หน้า เก็บมาฝากจ้าสำหรับคนที่อยู่แคลิฟอเนียร์
    ข้อให้โชคดีทุกคนที่กำลังจะไปสอบ รวมข้อสอบขอใบขับขี่สำหรับรัฐแคลิฟอเนียร์

    California Driver's Examination
    1. It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is______ or higher ?
    A. 0.08% --- Eight hundredths of one percent

    2. You must notify DMV within 5 day if you:
    A. sell or transfer you vehicle

    3. A red arrow pointing to the right on a traffic light means you may:
    B. Not turn in that direction until the light turns green

    4. When should you yield you legal right-of-way ?
    B. When it helps prevent accidents

    5. A curb painted blue means parking is:
    C. For disabled persons with a special placard or plate

    6. A car suddenly "cuts" in front of you creating a hazard. Which of these actions should you take first ?
    B. Take you foot off the gas

    7. This white sign means don't pass: จะเป็นป้าย สี่เหลี่ยม และ เขียน ข้อความข้างในว่า Do Not Pass ( คือ หารูปมาลงไม่ได้ค่ะ )
    C. Other vehicles for any reason

    8. On a freeway, you should look farther ahead than you would on a city street:
    A. In order to see potential hazards early

    9. You must look for bicycle riders in the same lanes used by motor vehicles because they:
    C. Are entitled to shard the road with you

    10. You may make a left turn on a red light only from a:
    B. One-way street onto a one-way street

    11. You are approaching a green traffic light, but traffic is blocking the intersection. What is the best thing to do ?
    B. Don't enter the intersection until you can get completely across

    12. After passing a car, it is safe to return to you driving lane when:
    C. You see the headlights of the passed car in you rearview mirror

    13. You should signal continuously while turning because it:
    B. Lets other drivers and pedestrians know what you plans are

    14. When parking on a hill on a two-way street with on curb, you should:
    C. Turn your front wheels to the right, toward the side of the road

    15. Slowing down just to look at accidents or anything else out of the ordinary:
    A. Causes traffic congestion

    16. You must notify law enforcement and make a written report ( SR 1 ) to DMV when:
    C. You have an accident and there is an injury or death

    17. An orange and red sign of this shape on a vehicle always means:
    B. Slow-moving vehicle

    18. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is:
    B. llegal at all time
    19. Pendestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street of you see pedestrian whiting to cross at a crooss at a corner, you should: C. Pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear you engine.

    20. When a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the road, you must:
    B. Stop until the lights stop flashing

    21. Which of these statements is true about drinking alcohol and driving?
    C. Alcohol affects judgment, which is needed for driving safely

    22. It is illegal to leave children age six or younger unattended in a car on a hot day:
    A. Even if they are secured in a child passenger restraint system

    23. If you cell phone rings while you are driving and you do not have hands-free device, you should:
    B. Let the call go to voice mail

    24. Flash you brake lights or turn on your emergency flashers if you:
    A. Need to warn other drivers of an accident ahead

    25. Three of the most important times to check traffic behind you are before:
    B. Backing,changing lanes, or slowing down quickly

    26. You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by:
    A. Driving as near to the right edge of the road as possible and stopping

    27. Yellow lines separate:
    B. Traffic moving in opposite directions on a two-way road

    28. To help avoid skidding on slippery surfaces you should:
    C. Slow down before entering curves and intersections

    29. A safety zone is a specially marked area for passengers to get on or off buses or trolleys. You may not drive through a safety zone:
    C. At any time or for any reson

    30. On freezing, wet days, which of the follwing roadways is most likely to hide spots of ice ?;
    B. Roadways on bridges and overpasses

    31. You exit a freeway on a ramp that curves downhill. You should:
    A. Slow to a safe speed before the curve

    32. Drivers of large trucks often travel with a lot of space in front of their vehicle . This extra space is needed for:
    B. The truck driver to use for stopping the vehicle

    33. Which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists?
    B. Motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists

    34. You can drive off the road to pass another vehicle:
    C. Under on circumstances

    35. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. Traffic is heavy and moving at 35 mph. The best speed for you vehicle is most likely:
    A. 25 mph

    36. You are driving and there are oncoming cars on your left and a row of parked cars on you right. You should steer:
    C. Amiddle course between the oncoming and parked cars

    ขอบคุณที่มา น้องemmy
    แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย pui.lab; 15-11-2009 at 07:41.
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

  2. #2
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร
    1.It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration(BAC) that is..........or higher.
    0.01%---One tenth of one percent
    x 0.08%---Eight hundredths of one percent
    0.05%---Five hundredth of one percent

    2.You must notify DMV within 5 days if you:
    Are cited for a traffic violation
    Paint your vehicle a different color
    x Sell or transfer your vehicle

    3.Orange-colored road signs warn you of:
    A school zone ahead
    A traffic signal ahead
    x Road workers or road equipment ahead

    4.You are being chased by a police vehicle with its lights and siren activated. You ignore the warning to stop and sped away. During the chase, a person is seriously injured. You are subject to:
    x Imprisonment in a state prison for five years
    A fine of not less than $1,000
    Attending an anger-management class

    5.This yellow sign means: File:MUTCD W4-2.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Less space between lanes ahead
    The highway will be divided ahead
    x The right lane will end ahead

    6.Large trucks are most likely to lose speed and cause a hazard:
    On long, gradual curves
    x Going up long or steep hills
    Going down long gradual hills

    7.When driving a vehicle with air bags, you are safest when seated:
    x At least 10 inches away from the steering wheel
    Within 6 1/2 inches of the steering wheel
    With your head positioned directly above the steering wheel

    8.Which of the following children requires a child passenger restraint system?
    A six-year old weighing 60 pounds
    x A five-year old weighing 55 pounds
    A five-year old weighing 65 pounds

    9.If your cell phone rings while you are driving and you not have a hands-free device, you should:
    Answer the call because it may be an emergency
    x Let the call go to voice mailCheck the incoming number before answering the call

    10.Weaving in and out of freeway lanes during heavy traffic:
    Improves traffic flow by creating space for others to merge
    x Causes further traffic congestion by slowing other vehicles
    Increases fuel efficiency

    11.If it starts to rain on hot day, the road is the most slippery:
    x For the first few minutes
    After it has been raining for a few hours
    After it has stopped raining

    12.You may legally turn right on a solid ref light:
    Only after slowing down and checking traffic
    x Only after stopping, unless otherwise posted
    Under no circumstances

    13.You are waiting to turn left into a driveway. A car is approaching from the opposite direction with a turn signal on. You should:
    Make your turn, but only if the driver is signaling for right turn
    Make your turn, but only if the driver is signaling for a left turn
    x Wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn
    Photograph - Lane Ends Merge Left Sign Photo

    14.You are driving in the far right lane of the four-lane freeway and you see this yellow sign. Which of the following is true?
    Another lane is merging with yours from the right
    x The right lane ends ahead, merge left
    The left lane ends ahead, merge right

    15.Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is:
    Legal, if it is your child
    x Illegal at all times
    Not restricted by law

    16.If you cannot stop safely at a yellow traffic light, you should:
    Stop your vehicle before entering an intersection anyway
    x Enter the intersection carefully and continue across
    Stop your vehicle in the intersection and back up carefully

    17.When driving in the far right lane of freeway, you:
    x Should expect merging vehicles at on-ramps
    Must be driving slower than other traffic
    Must give the right-of-way to merging traffic

    18.You are traveling on the road with only one lane in your direction. Many cars are pulling out to pass you. You should:
    x Use a turnout area so the other vehicles can pass you
    Pull onto the right shoulder of the road, but continue driving
    Maintain your speed and lane position

    19.In California, anyone who drives a motor vehicle has consented to take a chemical test for the alcohol content of his or her blood, breath, or urine:
    x If asked by law enforcement
    Only if you have been drinking alcohol
    Only if an accident has occurred

    20.If the road is wet from a heavy rain, you should:
    Use the "two second" following distance rule
    Drive one car-length behind the car ahead
    x Increase the distance between your vehicle and the car ahead

    21.You are entering a freeway. You should check traffic by:
    Looking over your shoulder
    Using the inside and outside mirrors only
    x Checking all mirrors and turning your head

    22.You should not pass another vehicle:
    x Where someone is likely to enter or cross the road
    On a multilane one-way street
    When a broken, yellow line is on the left side of your lane

    23.When should you use your headlights?
    One hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise
    Any time you can't see at least two miles ahead
    x Any time you have trouble seeing others or being seen

    24.Accidents tend to happen when:
    All vehicles are traveling near or at the same speed
    One lane of traffic is traveling much slower than the others
    x One vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic

    25.Driving slowly in front of traffic in the far left(fast) lane on any freeway:
    x Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry
    Cannot result in a traffic citation
    Saves lives by causing others to slow down, too

    26.You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. You should:
    Stop immediately in the intersection until it passes
    Pull to the right in the intersection and stop
    x Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop

    27.You must carefully watch for bicycles in traffic lanes because they:
    Must ride facing oncoming traffic
    x Could be hidden in your blind spots
    Usually have the right-of-way

    29.You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog:
    Only when a guide dog is leading the person across a street
    Only when the pedestrian is obeying traffic controls
    x At all times

    30.When sharing the road with a light rail vehicle, you:
    May not drive in the lane next to the light rail vehicle
    x Should monitor all traffic signals closely because they can change for the light rial vwhicleMay turn in front of an approaching light rail vehicle at an uncontrolled intersection

    31.Driving along the right-rear side of another vehicle is:
    x Dangerous because you'er probably in one of the driver's blind spots
    A good defensive driving technique to avoid drivers' blind spots
    A good way to maintain a space cushion on your left side

    32.The maximum speed limit for ideal driving conditions is:
    The speed of other vehicles traveling in your direction
    x The posted speed for the road or freeway you are using
    Whatever speed you feel is safe for you and your vehicle

    33.You are on a two-way street with two lanes in each direction. To turn left, start the turn in:
    Any lane open to you for traffic in your direction
    x The left lane for traffic in your directionThe right lane for traffic in your direction

    34.Unless prohibited by a sign, you may legally make a U-turn:
    x At an intersection with a green light
    At an intersection on a one-way street
    In front of a fire station

    35.Which of the following is true about use of your turn signals?
    You should never use both electric and hand signals
    If you signal for a lane change, other drivers must let you in
    x You must always signal for lane changes

    36.Solid yellow lines separate:
    Traffic lanes on one-way street
    Bicycle lanes from regular traffic
    x Vehicle traveling in opposite directions

    ขอบคุณที่มา nann apas
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

  3. #3
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร
    1.It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration(BAC) that is..........or higher.
    x 0.08%---Eight hundredths of one percent
    0.10%---One tenth of one percent
    0.05%---Five hundredth of one percent

    2.You must notify DMV within 5 days if you:
    x Sell or transfer your vehicle
    Paint your vehicle a different color
    Are cited for a traffic violation

    3.When you see this yellow sign, you should: Clip Art of School Crossing 2 RSCL0389 - Search Clipart, Illustration, Drawings, and EPS Vector Graphics Images - RSCL0389.jpg
    Always stop at the crosswalk
    Stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guard signals you to go
    x Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk

    4.The speed limit for a school zone where children are present is....., unless otherwise posted.
    15 mph
    x 25 mph
    20 mph

    5.Instructions from school crossing guards must be obeyed:
    x At all time
    During school hours only
    Only when children are present in front of a school

    6.When a traffic signal light isn't working at an intersection, you should:
    x Come to complete stop, then proceed when it is safe
    Stop before entering and let all other traffic go first
    Slow down or stop, if necessary

    7.You must make a written Report of Traffic Accident (SR1) to DMV if you:
    Fail to pay your registration fees within 90 days of receiving your renewal notice
    x Are involved in an accident and there is more than $750 in damages
    Allow a licensed driver from another state to drive your vehicle

    8.Two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled "T" intersection. One vehicle is on the through road and the other is on the road that ends. Who has the right-of-way at the intersection?
    x The vehicle on the through road
    The vehicle on the right
    The vehicle that arrives first

    9.A peace officer is signaling you to drive to the edge of the roadway. You decide to ignore the officer's warning and flee the scene. You are guilty of the misdemeanor and can be punished by being:
    Fined up to $1,000
    x Jailed in the county jail for not more than one year
    Given a warning and a citation

    10.You are driving in the far lane of four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in:
    The carpool lane and must merge into the next lane
    A special lane for slow moving vehicles
    x An exit lane

    11.Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead, unless you are:
    Waiting to make a left turn at a traffic light
    x Parked on a hill or sloping driveway
    Parked on the side of a level roadway and there is no curb

    12.When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving?
    When making a call while stopped at a red light
    x When making a call for emergency assistance

    13.All of the following are dangerous while driving. Which is also illegal?
    x Wearing a headset that covers both ears
    Having one or more interior lights on
    Using cruise control on residential streets

    14.Which of these statements is true about child passengers?
    Children 1 or older and over 20 pounds should ride in front seat
    x Children under age one should not ride in front seat in airbag-equipped vehicles
    The front seat is generally the safest place in the car for children six years of age and older

    15.When you change lanes or merge with another lane, you:
    Have the right-of-way
    Should first stop and check for cross traffic
    x Need at least a 4-second gap in traffic

    16.The speed limit in any alley is:
    20 mph
    x 15 mph
    25 mph

    17.To turn left from a one-way onto a one-way street, start from:
    x The lane closest to the left curb
    The center lane
    Any lane as long as it seems safe to do so

    18.You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:
    Always stop before making a right turn
    x Signal during the last 100 feet before you turn
    Slow down and signal as you start your turn

    19.Pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street. If you see a pedestrian with a guide dog or white cane waiting to cross at a corner, you should:
    Stop at the crosswalk and honk your horn
    Drive into the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine
    x Pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine

    20.You are driving in the far right lane of a multilane freeway. A line of five cars is merging into your lane ahead from an on-ramp. You:
    Must maintain your speed and position
    Must slow down to let the other vehicle merge
    x Have the legal right-of-way, but should make room for the merging vehicles, if possible

    21.You are on a two-way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. You may legally pass the vehicle on the right:
    x If there is enough road between the curb and the vehicle
    Even if you must drive in a bicycle lane to do so
    Even if you must cross a solid white line painted on the road

    22.This yellow sign means: File:MUTCD W10-1.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Railroad crossing is controlled-continue at your regular speed
    x Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing, if necessary
    Stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing

    23.To be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes, you should:
    Look in your mirrors only
    x Look over shoulder into the lane you want to enter
    Always turn your head and look over your right shoulder

    24.When driving in fog, snow, or rain, you should use your:
    x Low-beam headlights
    High-beam headlights
    Running lights

    25.If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection:
    x Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears
    Enter the intersection and wait traffic clears
    Merge into another lane and try to go around the traffic

    26.Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medication?
    x Most cold medications can make a person drowsy
    Over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages
    Medications are safe to take at any time if prescribed by a doctor

    27.You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. You should:
    Stop immediately in the intersection until it passes
    Pull to the right in the intersection and stop
    x Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop

    28.You should adjust your rearview and side mirrors:
    Before you get into the car
    x Before you start driving
    After you start driving

    29.For which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle?
    x Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked-out traffic signals
    Solid red lights, red arrows, and flashing yellow lights
    Solid red lights, fleshing red lights, and yellow lights

    30.If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead, you should:
    Maintain the posted speed to make it through the water
    x Steer your vehicle around the water, if possible
    Shift into neutral as you drive through the water

    31.Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is:
    Legal, if is your child
    x Illegal at all times
    Not restricted by law

    32.Cargo extending more than four feet your rear bumber:
    Is illegal under all circumstances
    x Must be marked with a red flag or lights
    Does not legally have to be marked, but it is a good idea

    33.This red and white sign means you should: File:Yield sign.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Stop and check traffic both ways before proceeding
    x Give the right-of-way to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross
    Keep a steady speed and check traffic both ways

    34.You are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle unless:
    The vehicle was manufactured before 1975
    You are riding in the back of a pickup/camper
    x The vehicle is not equipped with safety belts

    35.You should stop before crossing railroad tracks:
    Even when the railroad tracks are out-of-service
    x Any time a train may be approaching, whether or not you can see it
    If your vehicle has three or more axles

    36.Which of the following is true about large tracks?
    Trucks have fewer blind spots due to the vehicle's height
    It is best to pass trucks very slowly and on the right side
    x Trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

  4. #4
    ร่วมถ่ายทอดความรู้สู่สังคม สัญลักษณ์ของ แจ่มใสยิ้มสวย
    Mar 2009

    รวมเทคนิคสอบขับรถจาก DMV


  5. #5
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร
    ข้อสอบป้ายสัญลักษณ์ พอสังเขป ........

    แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย pui.lab; 13-05-2012 at 01:26.
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

  6. #6
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร

    แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย pui.lab; 14-05-2012 at 01:58.
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

  7. #7
    ร่วมถ่ายทอดความรู้สู่สังคม สัญลักษณ์ของ แจ่มใสยิ้มสวย
    Mar 2009

  8. #8
    ท่องเวบ สัญลักษณ์ของ pui.lab
    Jul 2006
    โสดไม่มีใครเอา หรือว่าเราไม่เอาใคร

    แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย pui.lab; 14-05-2012 at 02:00.
    บ้านมหาดอทคอม เว็บไซต์ส่งเสริม ศิลปะ วัฒนธรรมไทย ศิลปิน ความรู้ออนไลน์
    st1: มิตรภาพและรอยยิ้ม กับดีเจคนไกลบ้าน st1:

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